Love is Passion

Wednesday 20 July 2011

how to impress a girl? || how to purpose a girl? || what to talk with a girl and what don't ?

1. Be well-groomed. This is essential if you are even going to approach an attractive girl. Brush your hair, shower, wash your face, brush your teeth, use deodorant and maybe even a little cologne, and apply acne medicine daily (if you have a problem with your skin). Don't wear your pants off your butt, often called "sagging": it's not that attractive to the majority of girls. Wear clean, attractive clothes that fit. (If in doubt, get an older sister or close female friend to help you in this department.) Don't wear skin tight clothes, but don't wear clothes that are too baggy either. Girls hate that.

2. Have a great attitude. Be fun to hang around with, easy to laugh with, and be outgoing. Just don't be full of yourself. A girl may like an overly cocky guy at first, but eventually, she will find it selfish. Don't try to impress everyone: girls like humble guys. At the same time, a sense of humor is always good. Girls love when guys can make them laugh.

3. Show respect. If you respect everyone and give them their space, they'll all respect you. With girls, it works even better. If they see you respecting everyone, and not getting pushed around while you're at it, they will be reassured that you will treat them right. Be kind to all.

4. Show interest in her. Let her talk. The #1 mistake when talking to a girl is focusing on yourself. Girls are way more comfortable when they talk about common interests. Ask about her interests, hobbies, favorite books, music, etc. If she asks you a question, answer it in a few, short sentences and then redirect the question back at her. This engages her in the conversation. When in doubt, compliment her like your hair looks nice today. Even if a girl does not like you yet, complimenting her will make her feel good about herself and think positively about you. However, if she keeps redirecting the conversation back to you, talk about yourself, otherwise it seems like you don't really want to be talking to her.

5. Try flirting! Don't be obsessive! If you both make eye contact, do not be the one to look away, but do not stare for too long. When you both make eye contact, just give a slight smile. Touch her arm or shoulder for a few seconds. Physical contact is a great way to show you're interested. If she seems uncomfortable, do not do it again.

6. Tell her how you feel: Most girls love to share their emotions, so if you share yours with them they will greatly appreciate it. Tell her you think she is a great friend, or tell her you think she is cute. If you have a crush on a girl i'm not saying you have to tell her, but telling her simple sweet things can really impress her. Guys who share their emotions are a lot cuter then guys who do not.

7.Touch her: Eventually you will have to break the touch barrier, and if you already have then touch her occasionally. Do not touch her in a sensul way if she is not interested, just be friendly about it; try touching her gently on shoulder, her hand or the small of her back. Your touch can be very comforting to a girl.

 8. Be interesting: Do something creative, something extraordinary or something that others don't usually do. This will draw attention your way, it creates a question mark for the girl about you, she will be dying to know more about you and no doubt she will find you intriguing. Joing a mixture of sporting clubs and intellectual clubs will make you come off as an intersting guy who loves to exercise both his body and mind... very attractive to some. 


  1. I really liked it. i Will use these points in my love life.

  2. This profession is perfect for you...

  3. i hope u'll create a sensible n creative blog fr us next tym..
    BTW it ws gud !!
